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‘Making of Tidar’ film released by Project dldl/ድልድል

In preparation for releasing docudrama ‘Tidar’ (Marriage) to the public after the summer, Project dldl/ድልድል has published a ‘Making of Tidar’ short film that offers a window into the production of ‘Tidar’ and the process of co-creation between Dr Romina Istratii and two production companies in Ethiopia and the UK.

‘Tidar’ is a research-based film produced by Project dldl/ድልድል with the help of Exile Pictures in the UK and Kurat Pictures in Ethiopia to raise awareness about the role of faith and the clergy’s mediation in experiences of domestic violence in rural Ethiopia.

The video presents interviews with writer and executive producer, Dr Romina Istratii, director and co-producer Yidnekachew Shumete Desalegn, assistant director Gedam Geto, and the leading actors, Rahel Teshome and Addis Alemu. The team discusses their collaboration, the ethical issues and challenges faced in the making of the film and how research-based films can help to respond and start to address societal issues and problems like domestic violence.

The short film is in Amharic and English and was produced by Chouette Films with the support of Kurat Pictures in Ethiopia.

Watch it below: