This language is currently in review and will be available soon!
The project stems from the understanding that impact has been defined too many times in the past in euro-centric, programmatic or short-sighted ways, which this project aims to depart from. Our main premise is that meaningful and impactful interventions emerge when they are designed from the ground up informed by empirical evidence and real-life experiences. When research in domestic violence remains embedded in euro-centric or universalist theories of what causes or maintains domestic violence and is distanced from the diverse lived realities of affected individuals and communities, its value for real individuals and communities becomes questionable.
The current project is the result of previous long-term research in Ethiopia working with the laity and the clergy to understand better the realities that sustain the problem of domestic violence. That experience evidenced the need to build clergy preparedness to respond to domestic violence victims and perpetrators and to develop more integrated domestic violence response systems that bring together secular and religious stakeholders to achieve relevance and positive outcomes with the local communities.
We understand that such locally-grounded and integrated approaches cannot be achieved without the support, specialisations and good-will of researchers and practitioners, stakeholders and communities in these societies. The project is thus committed to a dialogical, self-reflexive and mutually beneficial approach to partnerships that promotes the professional growth of all parties. Team development constitutes a key impact objective of this project.
While the project is guided by a detailed impact framework stemming from these three objectives, we consciously leave the meaning of ‘impact’ open to exploration for the full duration of the project, anticipating the need to adapt to new conditions and to leverage on new resources as we engage with project partners, stakeholders and communities in Ethiopia, Eritrea and the UK.