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Project dldl/ድልድል docudrama Tidar (Marriage) International Trailer Released

The Project dldl/ድልድል team is absolutely thrilled to share the international trailer of its first docudrama Tidar (Marriage).

Tidar (English title: Marriage, Tigrigna title: Hadar, Afaan Oromo title: Bultii) tells the story of Genet, an Ethiopian Orthodox believer who is experiencing domestic violence in her marriage. It narrates her search for a moral and practical solution within the Ethiopian rural context and her valued religious worldview.

Genet’s story is a collation of stories and testimonies of real people that were collected in long-term anthropological research in Northern Ethiopia and subsequent research in south-central Ethiopia, which were then synthesised into a single film script. The film was re-enacted by Amharic-speaking actors in Ethiopia, with subtitles being produced in Tigrigna, Afaan Oromo and English by local speakers.

The aim of creating this film has been to share the research findings in a more accessible format through the help of creative industries. The film seeks to educate religious leaders, clergy and members of diverse publics on the complex role that religious rationalisations and the clergy play in the experience of domestic violence in Ethiopia, influencing victimised women’s responses and help-seeking attitudes positively or negatively, and to evidence how faith and religious leaders could become more resourceful and effective in responding to the problem. 

The film was written and led by Dr Romina Istratii, produced by Hermon Hailay and Max Conil of Exile Pictures and directed by Yidnekachew Shumete Desalegn of Kurat Pictures. The actors, film crew members, translators, theological specialists and professionals who contributed to the making of the film are duly named in the film’s credits.

The release of the full film is anticipated soon and a public screening in Ethiopia is scheduled for November. An exciting blog post that presents the co-production process and the making of the film will follow suite.