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Project dldl/ድልድል received its first donation from the Hertfordshire & Essex High School and Science College

Project dldl/ድልድል has received an unexpected donation to support our work in East Africa and the UK.

The donation was received by the Hertfordshire & Essex High School and Science College through the Diversity, Anti-Racism and Equality Group, who selected to donate significant funds they raised at their Culture Day in March.

Project dldl/ድልድል was motivated by observed inequalities in collaborative research projects engaging communities in Africa and a lack of culturally appropriate responses in foreign-led domestic violence interventions. We stand as much for survivors of domestic violence and abuse from diverse contexts as we do for epistemic justice, equitable partnerships and equality for all human beings.

Our team would like to take a moment to thank the donor and every individual who donated to the school on Culture Day. The generous funding will be used to support crucial operational and research costs in our current work in the UK engaging diverse migrant and ethnic minority religious communities in the battle against domestic violence and abuse.

In view of this first donation, our project has decided to set up a donations page and enable others to support us. Please revisit this page in a few weeks’ time or watch out for the donation link on our website.